The last bit of the funeral stuff wrapped up today. It was really heart breaking saying good bye. How do you say goodbye to a 12 year old .. as a permenent goodbye? My aunt is being so strong I'm so very proud of her. At the burial today just for family my aunt tried to get matthews favorite hannah montana cd to play but it wouldn't work and all seven of us tried to get it to work! I guess he just really didn't want to hear any hannah montana. It's going to be so weird having no cousins all of a sudden. My grandparents only grandchildren now are my sister and I. My heart is broken for them and my aunt and my entire family. Every fall we all get together and go rent a beach house. I've gotten so acustomed to having Matthew there it's going to be so weird! I remember some of the first years he came when he was born even which houses we stayed in. Anyway, I just wanted to post some of my memories with him:
The last memory I have of Matthew is playing sponge bob monopoly! He beat me at it too! I thought it was awesome he got all of the jokes in the game with the naming of the properties and he loved getting "snail po headquarters".
He was the smartest kid that I have probably ever met. He had a real passion for learning all these crazy facts which must run in the family because i'm the same way. The only difference is that he would remember ever single word, Every fact and he was just amazed by everything and wanted to understand it.
This past fall at the beach house Matthew and my dad had a giant jawbreaker eating competition. He was restless to give up even though only about a quarter of the jawbreaker actually fit into his mouth haha. We played a game of poker and he was beating all of us!
I remember when he was born my sister and I used to FIGHT over who would get to spend time with him because we were young and we don't have any cousins younger than us really and this was our first cousin on the dads side of the family!
My heart goes out to the rest of my family and all the classmates of Matthew Chester.
Thank you so much for making what little time he had here the best that it could be
and i know you did because it showed in his smile.
We always knew that he was sick and that someday this time would come but I always pictured it as a slow decline and that we would know. But I guess that is foolish to think because life doesn't work like that. Spend every minute possible with the people you love because in the end that's all you have and it's all that matters. He died in his sleep very suddenly from complications due to
Pulmonary Hypertension. A disorder that effects the heart and lungs.
I'm going to miss you so much, i only wish I would have spent more time with you and not thought that i would always have a long time to get to know you. I love you more than I ever got a chance to express.