
mm waffles

The weather outside today is absolutely gorgeous. I wish I had more time to spend outside.
I went to go water my miniature garden today and half my plants were missing. I guess the dog decided it would be fun to run through a big patch of mud the other day when it was rainy because there are about 2 feet deep paw prints running back and forth from one end to the other. Crazy dog.
On another note school is going terribly at the moment. This term I decided to only take one class online but the instructor doesn't use a calendar or due dates so I will be oblivious to whole weeks passing by, it doesn't help that it's a law enforcement class. I hate learning all this policing stuff it's so boring, I don't care about the history and evolution of policing in America. I can't wait till I'm done with all the criminal justice basic classes and can start doing more forensics.
Anyways this Video always makes my day, Knock yourself out.

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